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Storing Your Photos and Videos.

Do the following statements sound familiar?

“Where did I save those pictures of the birthday party?” or  “Help! My computer has crashed, and I can’t get to my pictures and files!” 

How do you go about storing your photos and videos? Do you have documents, music, and pictures stored in and on random USB flash drives, memory cards, and disks? When you are wanting to use them, you are scrambling to find them and searching through all of your devices to find what you are looking for. What is your plan for storing your photos and videos? 

The Assessment:

Do you need the 3 step plan for storing your photos and videos? Let me answer for you. Yes, you do. But if you are still wondering, then let’s take a quiz.

Do you have photos (printed or digital) and videos (tapes or digital) of you and your family from past to present?

Are there photo prints and tapes stored in a box/drawer in the closet/attic/basement? How about those digital ones?

Are they sporadically stored on your computer, phone, or camera cards? You may be one that purchased a USB drive but is it being put to good use?

Do you have a plan in place if something were to happen to them?


Did you answer yes to all of the above? Great! Even the last one? No? Then you do need the 3 step plan for storing your photos and videos?

The Steps:

I will share with you the 3 step plan for storing your photos and videos right now.

Yes, here they are!


Step 1

Gather, Give Structure





Step 3

Make them safe

Sounds simple, right?  Well, basically it is that simple.

Then why do you need to attend a workshop on how to do this?  Ah, now that is the right question.

Why the Plan?:

If you were to follow just these three steps without a plan would you be able to share those pictures to friends and family quickly? Can you ensure that you aren’t missing photos or videos on a regular backup? Can you make sure that they are safe from harm?

I have witnessed the heartbreak over many years of helping so many people try and recover lost photos on their computers. Also I have listened to others be disappointed at wishing that they had converted those videos after a disaster.

What if you could have your photos and videos ready to be shared in an organized way to those you want to share them? And also keep them safe? This is why you will want to attend the storing your memories workshop and learn the 3 step plan for storing your photos and videos!

If you are ready then let’s get started!

Storing Your Memories Workshop

